Before the television show and the celebrity status, before the controversies and his decision to not renew his professional license, Phillip McGraw, PhD. wrote a book called Life Strategies that was published in 1999. In it he expounds on ten “life laws” to live by,...
There is a statement on the FAQ’s page of this site that acknowledges that over the course of a thirty year career it is virtually impossible to remember what concepts are original and what concepts I have picked up from other sources along the way. I believe...
One of the all-time favorite handouts of my professional career is Portia Nelson’s “Autobiography in Five Short Chapters”. It goes hand in hand with the previous survival skills entry “Possum Philosophy”. Human beings are notorious for repetitive thinking and...
Nowhere does it say that you cannot, should not, have humor with your healing. It is a universal language that takes the sting out of some very tough topics. If I can elicit at least a smile while guiding clients to look honestly at their behavior, their pain, their...
In 2004 I became co-owner of a bead shop in a small town in western North Carolina. My partner and I secured a large retail space one block off a quaint little main street and set about painting, building display cases and decorating the shop. Then we sank the rest of...