by C P Whitaker | Sep 27, 2022 | Coping Skills, Health, Life Lessons
There is a statement on the FAQ’s page of this site that acknowledges that over the course of a thirty year career it is virtually impossible to remember what concepts are original and what concepts I have picked up from other sources along the way. I believe...
by C P Whitaker | Sep 20, 2022 | Coping Skills, Self Awareness
It is entirely up to you how often you employ your self assessments. If you are actively engaged in personal growth and development, and I hope you are, I would recommend the following schedule: The Gentle Self Assessment (Nelson’s Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters)...
by C P Whitaker | Sep 13, 2022 | Coping Skills, Self Awareness
In keeping with the recent topic of continuums, this is another entry in the self-awareness skill list. I read an amazing book several years ago called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (see resources page.) It is simultaneously spot on, eye opening and sometimes...
by C P Whitaker | Aug 30, 2022 | Coping Skills, Health, Menopause, Self Awareness
By now you have likely noticed that none of the coping skills blogs specifically mention menopause. If this causes you to tilt your head to the side like Nipper, the old RCA dog, allow me to explain. The most valuable and effective coping skills are those that can be...
by C P Whitaker | Aug 23, 2022 | Coping Skills, Life Lessons, Self Awareness
One of the all-time favorite handouts of my professional career is Portia Nelson’s “Autobiography in Five Short Chapters”. It goes hand in hand with the previous survival skills entry “Possum Philosophy”. Human beings are notorious for repetitive thinking and...
by C P Whitaker | Aug 16, 2022 | Coping Skills, Self Awareness
When most people think of developing skills in order to have happier, healthier lives we think in terms of ‘coping skills’ – something to actively ‘do’ to deal with a particular issue. It’s a slay-the-dragon mentality. Slay it, put it behind us, battle the next one....